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Main Work Experience

State Grid Information & Telecommunication Co.,Ltd.


Role:Data Center Technician(Full-time)

Project 1: Data synchronization optimization
  • Participated in the construction project of Ningxia Grid’s all-business unified data center, mainly responsible for big data exploration and daily maintenance of the data platform.
  • Involved in All-Bussiness Data Center Construction project, responsible for Database synchronization time optimization and feasibility discussions.
  • Using Maxwell to read and decode the binary log file from source database(Mysql), using python script to transfer the captured JSON changes to SQL, and using Kafka(message queue) and Apache-Nifi to synchronise and excute the SQL, finish the synchronization.
  • Shortened the delay time of synchronization between databases to 12 hours from 2 days.
Project 2: Electric energy data application platform
  • The platform is built according to cloud platform architecture. Including Iaas, Paas nad Daas.
  • Storing data in different areas including electric power generation, transmission, transformation, utilization and distribution. Responsible for writing python scripts to filter sensitive information.
Project 3: 微服务改造
  • As a software developer, in the data center project team, completed the transformation of three systems from traditional MVC architecture to microservice architecture.
  • Based on Al
Project 4: AI video and image processing platform
Project 5: Automatic CD reading device & Bidding system
  • As a project manager, responsible for the company's 3 projects including AI image and video processing platform.
  • oin the AI and Big Data Innovation Lab as a researcher to explore and apply new technologies in power industry.

Beijing Ehualu Information Technology Co., Ltd

Duration: 04/2018-07/2018

Role: Intelligent Transportation Researcher(Internship)

Project 1:Wuhan intelligent vehicle and automatic driving test field
  • Participated in the construction project of Wuhan intelligent vehicle and automatic driving test field,Responsible for testing traffic data collecting sensors and writing supporting documents, papers, patents.
  • Investigate the development of electric vehicles and smart roads by four steps: determine the purpose of the research, design the research plan, collect and sort out the data, and make the research report.
  • Heightened understanding of the combination of big data processing technology and traffic data collecting process.
  • Gained deeper knowledge on the business thinking pattern of solving problems, saving costs and win-win conceptions.

China Unicom Research Institute

Duration: 01/2018-04/2018

Role: Big Data Developer at Data Center(Intership)

Project 1:Wuhan intelligent vehicle and automatic driving test field
  • Responsible for analyzing the reason of user leaving.
  • Learned and used Hive and Hive SQL to query and calculate data in HDFS.
  • Adopted PCA to identify the most influential variables on the variance of the data and used density-based clustering to these variables to find out the common features of the users that changed their telecom operators.
  • Employed K-means algorithm to conduct preliminary tests, and concluded a strong positive correlation between operator change and factors such as service matching, mobile phone replacement and regional changes on the basis of the obtained data.